99th AACC Annual

Whether you have an existing first-year student success initiative or you’re looking to implement one for the first time, we can help you increase student persistence.

Our online textbooks are:

  • LMS integrated
    Manage student work and grade within Blackboard, Canvas or D2L.
  • Affordable
    We know budgets are tight – we respect students’ pocketbooks and your bottom line with pricing everyone can afford.
  • Outcome-based
    Each chapter is based around specific outcomes and matched to CAS.
  • Insightful
    Easy tracking and reporting so educators can see exactly who has done their work and can intervene quickly when needed.
  • Easy-to-use
    Students find the program easy to use and staff benefit from complimentary training provided in person or online by educational professionals.
  • Online or in print
    Students’ love that the program is online, so they can work anywhere. Any computer or tablet, regardless of brand or browser, will work! If computer and internet access is a challenge, physical copies of the books are available for traditional delivery.
  • Flexible in delivery
    Teach in the classroom, online, or using a hybrid of these methods. Designed to work around your needs, content can also be customized.

Digital Book World 2018 Winner for Best TextbookEdTech 2019 Cool Tool FianlistCollegeScope

  • 9 chapters Content designed to hold students’ attention, such as educational videos and many interactive components.
  • Recognized pedagogy Based in sound, well-researched principles and aligned with national standards, CollegeScope’s curriculum will meet the most stringent of reviews.
  • Title IX & Campus SaVE Help address both initiatives at your institution.

College & Career Success

  • 14 chapters Content is built on Dr. Fralick’s 30+ years of experience teaching college students.
  • Encourage positive thinking Inspirational quotes throughout chapters and positive psychology concepts foster a bright outlook for the future.
  • Survey knowledge Students take a before and after survey, making it easy to show their progress.

To learn more about CollegeScope or College & Career Success fill out the form below for a demo.

Does your initiative require something different? Learn more about our other college and career programs:

Reveal students’ hidden potential and
match who they are and what they enjoy
with careers and college majors
proven to be successful.

Go to webpage | Open printable handout

TruTalent Personality

Use multiple intelligences to discover
students’ unique intellect, boost confidence,
strengthen all intelligences and explore
recommended careers.

Go to webpage | Open printable handout


Discover students’ unique environmental preferences to improve productivity, academic achievement and self-confidence.

Go to webpage | Open printable handout


Want to learn more about our programs? Fill out the form below and we’ll send you more information.

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