Save when you assess productivity preferences online

Are you still using pencil and paper to assess your students’ learning style and productivity preferences?

If you’re familiar with Price Systems, Inc.’s paper version of the Productivity Environmental Preference Survey (PEPS) here are some of the reasons to switch to the TruTalent™ Learning & Productivity online assessment today:

  1. Save time – receive results immediately after students have taken the assessment.
  2. Enhance your insight with easy access to individual and group reports.
  3. Relax knowing that students’ information is secure using private, personal accounts.
  4. Receive great support service when you need it.
  5. Reduce your use of paper and your environmental footprint.

Need more reasons? Keep reading…


quote by Ray LeBlond

TruTalent™ Learning & Productivity, formerly known as The PEPS Learning Style Inventory, is the most accurate and widely used learning style inventory in the education community worldwide.

Based on the original paper and pencil assessment developed by Dunn, Dunn and Price, TruTalent Learning & Productivity has been proven to be a valid and reliable instrument through over 30 years of doctoral research.

Online and fully automated, counselors and education professionals who use TruTalent Learning & Productivity spend more time helping their students and less time administering assessments.

Show students
how to improve
their learning

Improve student’s
productivity and
study habits

Save time with
easy assessment

Take a peek inside TruTalent Learning & Productivity

TruTalent Leearning & Productivity selected answer to questionLearning & Productivity Summary ReportTruTalent Learning & Productivity Report Temperature DetailTruTalent Learning & Productivity Assessment in Spanish


Written for college students using familiar scenarios and takes only 20 minutes

Easy reference

Report includes a chart showing all of a student’s preferences at a glance

Improve learning

Each preference has a description and tips on making the most of their environment


Switch between English, Spanish and more for English Language Learners

TruTalent Learning & Productivity is…

  • Written for college students
  • Fast and convenient
  • Online and fully automated
  • Statistically valid and reliable
  • Accurate and precise
  • Multilingual and culturally relevant
  • A guide to successful learning
  • Based on 30+ years of research

“Using TruTalent Learning & Productivity (formerly PEPS) shows students what their preferences are for learning, then provides advice on how to use that to their advantage. I can see the difference it makes in awareness of their environment.”

-counselor at community college

All of our programs boast:



Available online, any time, from anywhere (24x7x356)



Live customer support for both staff and students



Use in any internet browser – no specific device required



Secure personal portfolios for students and staff

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What is TruTalent Learning & Productivity based on?

A: Over 30 years ago Rita and Kenneth Dunn constructed a first-generation… READ MORE

Q: What are the
preferences in TruTalent Learning & Productivity?

A: Areas analyzed include immediate environment, emotionality, sociological needs… READ MORE

Q: What does
TruTalent Learning & Productivity do?

A: TruTalent Learning & Productivity reveals how students prefer to study, concentrate… READ MORE

“I learned a lot of new study techniques that I can practice and that don’t make me feel overwhelmed. It was a breath of fresh air to help motivate me to continue and be successful.”


Ready to learn more?

Talk to one of our postsecondary consultants and discover how
TruTalent Learning & Productivity can work at your institution.