by Ross Dickie | Jan 15, 2016 | Career, President's Blog
The first of the year is always a great time to take a moment and explore where you are in your job or career and entertain taking steps to change your direction. And yet, for every one person who takes a moment to consider their next steps, there are ten others who...
by Ross Dickie | Jul 6, 2015 | K-12 Education, President's Blog
Down-time this summer is important. Just look at how stressed high school students and their parents are. I don’t know about you, but some of my greatest moments of clarity have come as I’ve laid on a beach, sat on a rock, climbed a steep trail or just took the time...
by Ross Dickie | May 11, 2015 | Career, President's Blog
Popular opinion has it that if you haven’t written your great novel, painted your masterpiece or launched your successful start-up by your mid-40s, you’re never going to do it. An interesting story in The New York Times debunks this myth, citing several examples of...
by Ross Dickie | Apr 23, 2015 | College, President's Blog
With annual tuitions for two and four year public/private colleges ranging from $3,300 to $31,000 according The College Board, going to college is more than just a casual decision. Add room and board to this number and you getting into serious money. And when you...